Aquatic Fly Fishing Insects: These fly fishing insects constitute the majority of a fish's diet. Mayflies, caddisflies, midges, and stoneflies are the four most common insect orders that emerge from streams and lakes in the United States. Learn how to match fly fishing insects with the appropriate insect fishing lures.
To be an effective hatch-matcher, you must be able to quickly distinguish not only adult mayflies, caddisflies, midges, and stoneflies, but also all of their immature stages. Most fly fishing insect hatches and feeding frenzy spinner falls happen quickly, so you might not have time to try four or five patterns. Instead, you'll need to know how to select the right fly at the right stage; only then will you be able to catch your fair share of fish. It's simpler than you think. Just keep in mind to match the hatch to what the fish are eating.
A good fly fishing insect guide will not only explain the entomology of the various insects used in the sport, but will also tell you where and when to look for them. This can help you better time the hatches of fly fishing insects in your area.
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The most important order of trout-stream insects is the mayfly. All mayflies have two large, upright wings, two or three tails, and two tiny hind wings. Mayflies are the only insects in trout streams with upright wings and resemble small sailboats floating in the current. The stages of life are as follows: egg, nymph, dun, spinner.
Caddis flies are also very important insects, and in some areas, they outnumber mayflies. Caddis flies are easily distinguished by their four nearly equal-length wings, which are covered with tiny hairs and are carried in an inverted V or tent over the back when at rest. Caddis flies are typically small to medium in size (#24 to #14) and do not have tails. This continent is home to over 1,000 known species.
Midges have no tails and only two short wings (shorter than the body) that lie flat along the top of the body, usually slightly to the side in a V. Most midges are small, ranging in size from 22 to 28. The life cycle is as follows: egg, larva, pupa, adult. When the pupa hatches, it rises to the surface and drifts for a while before the winged insect emerges and flies away.
A pupa or stillborn artificial midge is usually effective during the hatch; a hackled adult type can be used later during the emergence or egg-laying flight.
This small order of flies is unimportant in calm waters, but in turbulent, rocky streams like Montana's Madison and Big Hole, stoneflies provide the largest flies and the most spectacular fishing of the season. Stoneflies are the second most important fish food in some Oregon streams. Stoneflies range in size from extremely large to extremely small (#2 to #20). Adult stoneflies have four long, hard, shiny, heavily veined wings that are held flat over the back when at rest.
Also Read: Fly Fishing | Best Fly Fishing Flies
Trout and other freshwater gamefish consume a wide variety of foods in addition to the four major orders. Although these other orders are typically less important, when they are abundant, fish will feed on them selectively, so pack a few fly fishing flies that represent imitations of other aquatic, semi-aquatic, or terrestrial forms, such as dragonflies and damselflies, grasshoppers and crickets, leafhoppers, true bugs, spongilla flies, Dobsonflies, fish flies, alderflies, aquatic moths, beetles, true flies